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Content on the site is aligned to the Maryland Technology Education Grades 9-12 Voluntary State Curriculum and the Maryland Career Development Framework.

Review Dredging Up the Future Lesson Plan Standards
Review Loading a Ship Lesson Plan Standards
Review Career Development Lesson Plan Standards

Dredging Up the Future Lesson Plan Standards (View Lesson Plan)

Technology Education

1. Students will develop an understanding of the nature, characteristics and scope of technology. (STL 1)

a. Most development of technologies these days is driven by the profit motive and the market (STL 1-M)

2. Students will develop an understanding of the core concepts of technology (STL 2)

a. Selecting resources involved trade-offs between competing values, such as availability, cost, desirability, and waste (STL 2-Z)
b. Requirements involve the identification of the criteria and contraints of a product or system and the determination of how they affect the final design and development. (STL 2-AA)
c. New technologies create new processes (STL 2-DD)

3. Students will develop an understanding of the influence of technology on history. (STL 7)

a. Throughout history, technology has been a powerful force in reshaping the social, cultural, political and economic landscape. (STL 7-I)

"What is Dredging?"
Technology Education

1. Students will develop an understanding of core concepts of technology. (STL 2)

b. Systems, which are the building blocks of technology, are imbedded with larger technological, social and environmental systems (STL 2-X)
c. Selecting resources involves trade-offs between competing values, such as availability, cost, desirability, and waste. (STL 2-Z)

2. Students will develop an understanding of the relationships among technologies and the connections between technology and other fields of study. (STL 3)

d. Technology transfer occurs when a new user applies an existing innovation developed for one purpose in a different function (STL 3-G)

"What Happens to the Material
Dredged from the Bottom of
The Harbor"
Technology Education

1. Students will develop an understanding of the relationships among technologies and the connections between technology and other fields of study. (STL 3)

a. Technology transfer occurs when a new user applies an existing innovation developed for one purpose in a different function. (STL 3-G)
b. Technological innovation often results when ideas, knowledge, or skills are shared within a technology, among technologies, or across fields. (STL 3-H)

2. Students will develop an understanding of the effects of technology on the environment. (STL 5)

a. With the aid of technology, various aspects of the environment can be monitored to provide information for decision-making. (STL 5-I)
b. The alignment of technological processes with natural processes maximizes performance and reduces negative impacts on the environment. (STL 5-J)
c. Humans devise technologies to reduce the negative consequences of other technologies. (STL 5-K)

"Experiments with Buoyancy"
Technology Education

1. Students will develop an understanding of the attribute of design. (STL 8)

a. The design needs to be continually checked and critiqued, and the ideas of the design must be redefined and improved. (STL 8-J)
b. Requirements of a design, such as criteria, constraints and efficiency, sometimes compete with each other. (STL 8-K)

2. Students will develop an understanding of engineering design. (STL 9)

a. Engineering design is influenced by personal characteristics, such as creativity, resourcefulness, and the ability to visualize and think abstractly. (STL 9-J)
b. A prototype is a working model used to test a design concept by making actual observations and necessary adjustments. (STL 9-K)

3. Students will develop the abilities to apply the design process. (STL 11)

a. Refine a design by using prototypes and modeling to ensure quality, efficiency, and productivity of the final product. (STL 11-O)
b. Evaluate the design solution using conceptual, physical, and mathematical models at various intervals of the design process in order to check for proper design and to note areas where improvements are needed. (STL 11-P)

"Container Type Ships"
Technology Education

1. Students will develop an understanding of the core concepts of technology. (STL 2)

a. Systems, which are the building blocks of technology, are imbedded with larger technological, social, and environmental systems. (STL 2-X)
b. Selecting resources involves trade-offs between competing values, such as availability, cost, desirability, and waste. (STL 2-Z)

2. Students will develop an understanding of the relationships among technologies and the connections between technology and other fields of study. (STL 3)

a. Technology transfer occurs when a new user applies an existing innovation developed for one purpose in a different function. (STL 3-G)

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Loading a Ship Lesson Plan Standards (View Lesson Plan)

Technology Education

1. Students will develop an understanding of the relationships among technologies and the connections between technology and other fields of study. (STL 3)

a. Technological innovation often results when ideas, knowledge, or skills are shared within a technology, among technologies, or across fields. (STL3-H)

2. Students will develop an understanding of the cultural, social, economic, and political effects of technology. (STL 4)

a.Making decisions about the use of technology involves weighing the trade-offs between positive and negative effects. (STL 4-I)

3. Students will develop the understanding of the role of society in the development and use of technology. (STL6)

a. The decision whether to develop a technology is influenced by social opinions and demands, in addition to corporate cultures. (STL6-I)

4. Students will use the abilities to assess the impact of products and systems. (STL 13)

a. Synthesize data, analyze trends, and draw conclusions regarding the effects of technology on the individual, society, and the environment. (STL13-K)


"Loading and Unloading a
Cargo Ship Efficiently:
Examining Center of Gravity"
Technology Education

1. Students will develop an understanding of core concepts of technology. (STL 2)

a. Systems thinking applies logic and creativity with appropriate compromises in complex real-life problems. (STL2-W)
b. Requirements involve the identification of the criteria and constraints of a product or system and the determination of how they affect the final design and development. (STL-2AA)

2. Students will develop an understanding of the relationships among technologies and the connections between technology and other fields of study. (STL 3)

a. Technological innovation often results when ideas, knowledge, or skills are shared within a technology, among technologies, or across fields. (STL-3H)

3. Students will use their abilities to assess the impact of products and systems. (STL 13)

a. Synthesize data, analyze trends, and draw conclusions regarding the effects of technology on the individual, society, and the environment. (STL13-K)


"Types of Containers:
Designing a Container"
Technology Education

1. Students will develop an understanding of the core concepts of technology. (STL-2)

a.Systems thinking applies logic and creativity with appropriate compromises in complex real-life problems. (STL2-W)
b. Requirements involve the identification of the criteria and constraints of a product or system and the determination of how they affect the final design and development. (STL-2AA)
c. Selecting resources involves trade-offs between competing values, such as availability, cost, desirability, and waste. (STL2-Z)
d. New technologies create new processes (STL2-DD)

2. Students will develop an understanding of the relationships among technologies, and the connections between technology and other fields of study. (STL-3)

a. Technological innovation often results when ideas, knowledge, or skills are shared within a technology, among technologies, or across fields. (STL-3H)

3.Students will use the abilities to assess the impact of products and systems. (STL 13)

a. Synthesize data, analyze trends, and draw conclusions regarding the effects of technology on the individual, society, and the environment. (STL13-K)


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Career Development Lesson Plan Standards (View Lesson Plan)

Career Development

Standard 1: Self Awareness
(Students shall acquire and apply self-knowledge in order to develop personal, learning, and career goals.)

Indicator A: Students will acquire and apply self-knowledge to understand one’s abilities, strengths, interests, skills, and talents as seen by self and others.

(Grades 9-12): Objective 1a: Integrate a broad range of interests into one’s personal learning and career goals, and assess the impact of abilities, strengths, skills, and talents on one’s career development.

Objective 1b: Evaluate how positive personal characteristics affect one’s career development.

Standard 2: Career Awareness
(Students shall understand Maryland Career Clusters and pathways in order to understand their relationship to educational achievement and life-long learning.)

Indicator A: Analyze/compare the industries represented in Maryland’s 10 Career Clusters and how they relate to the needs and functions of the economy and society.

Grades (9-12): Objective 2: Compare and contrast the shift in the work organization of the 21st century versus the past.

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